Shadowbase Support Tips

Photo of Bill G. Holenstein

William Holenstein
Senior Manager of Product Delivery

Shadowbase Log Server is a new set of functionality that is available with the SBOS OSB5002x and NonStop NSB5002x Shadowbase releases. Shadowbase Log Server enables the user to configure the capture and replay of Shadowbase Open Server logfile messages into the NonStop EMS subsystem. Deploying this functionality requires a product upgrade to at least version NSB5002x (NonStop systems) and OSB5002x (Open Server systems) on each node.

Log Server functionality can be configured as verbose or as granular as the following message types, for filtering: Informational Messages, Warning Messages, Error Messages, and Critical Messages. Any combination of the given message types can be toggled on or off via configuration parameters on a process by process basis.

The method used to log the messages is as follows: when enabled, the messages are captured into a DOC on the Open Server environment, and a TFS process is used to deliver them to a special NonStop Consumer process, which then submits the messages into the NonStop EMS subsystem as they are received. Each Open Server environment that you want to capture and record into the NonStop EMS subsystem requires this configuration, hence you will need to open firewall ports for the Open Server to communicate with your NonStop system for example.

The Log Server Messages that are displayed in the NonStop EMS logs contain all the attributes of the open server messaging in addition to including the Shadowbase NonStop EMS Token (ITI.100.D42) for EMS filtering.

Log Server on Open Server can also be independently configured to record Shadowbase Open Server process log messages into an Open Server SQL database. Furthermore, failed SQL statements (prepare, bind, or execute failures) can be logged into a SQL log statement reject table on the Open Server.

Examples of the different messaging now available with Log Server are given below. Note, when SQL errors are recorded the SQLSTATE and SQLCODE are given as well.

LOGSERVER Database Output Sample

8 2013-04-08 13:20:00.818       FORWARD_SERVER PNUT 00000 0    Delta stats: I=2, U=0, D=0, I+U+D=2, Tot=6, Multi=0, I+U+D/M=N/A,

EOF Hits=100000

8 2013-04-05 15:54:19.991       REPLAY_SERVER   BUDDR 00000 0    SESSION CONNECTED

2 2013-04-05 15:54:20.006       REPLAY_SERVER   BUDDR 00000 0    Drec:01, SQLSTATE: IM002, SQLCODE: 0, Msg: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver

Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

LOGREJECT Database Output Sample

2    2013-02-22 11:14:02.239   REPLAY_SERVER   BUDDR 22001 0    [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]String data, right truncation INSERT INTO




2    2013-03-11 13:25:20.396   REPLAY_SERVER   BUDDR 08S01 10054 [Microsoft][SQL Native Client]TCP Provider: An existing connection was

forcibly closed by the remote host.     INSERT INTO DBO.BILLLOGTABLE


VALUES (8,’2013-03-11 3:25:20.302′, ‘FORWARD_SERVER’, ‘PNUT’,’00000′,

0, ‘Delta stats: I=2, U=0, D=0, I+U+D=2, Tot=6, Multi=0, I+U+D/M=N/A,

EOF Hits=100000’)

EMS Output Sample

13-04-18 14:02:48 \H2.$WGHC2 ITI.100.D42    008004            2013-04-18  13:31:24.464: INFO MSG FROM PUTY(FORWARD_SERVER)

[SQLSTATE=00000, SQLCODE=0] Delta stats: I=1, U=0, D=0,

I+U+D=1, Tot=3, Multi=0, I+U+D/M=N/A, EOF


For more information regarding the availability of Log Server processing, review the SOFTDOC and manual sent with the Shadowbase v5.002+ releases, or contact Shadowbase Product Delivery at [email protected]

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