Spring 2023: Shadowbase Delivery & ITL

Chris J. Capitolo

Chris Capitolo, Senior Manager of Product Delivery

Announcing SHA-1 Checksum for Shadowbase Downloads

Confirm Downloads are Valid and Corruption Free

As part of ongoing security efforts, we now provide a SHA-1 checksum and the file size of the release package in bytes for all of our new releases. Shadowbase users can now verify a downloaded release package is valid and corruption-free by:

1. Find the Correct SHA-1 Checksum Information:

For HPE Shadowbase Releases (sold by HPE):

For Gravic Shadowbase Releases (sold by Gravic) and Other non-HPE Releases (such as HPE TCD Releases):

2. Compare the certutil-generated checksum value against the published checksum value:

All Shadowbase release packages are provided in Windows (.zip) file format.

The user must validate that their downloaded release package matches the published:

  • File size (in bytes), and
  • SHA-1 checksum

Validating file’s size (in bytes) can simply be done by looking at the folder’s properties.

Validating the file’s SHA-1 checksum requires users to run the following Windows CMD Prompt Command using the same Windows system the file was downloaded:

certutil -hashfile <downloaded filename> SHA1

Users must then ensure their downloaded file’s certutil-generated checksum value matches the published checksum value.

Note: The certutil command uses Microsoft’s Certificate Services to extract a file’s checksum in Windows environments; other SHA-1 checksum generation tools can be used to extract the downloaded file’s checksum values.

We are happy to discuss any questions that you may have; please reach out to us using your existing Support contact information.

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